Trameisha's Capture Session
The D.ivinely I.nspired and V.irtuously A.nointed Ms. Trameisha Smith explored downtown Houston with an aura of optimism. 2011 sent her on a whirlwind of emotions but promises to end on an upbeat! She brings good news, both temporal and eternal, to anyone who will listen.
Jacque Cousteau said that no aquarium, no tank in marine land, however spacious it may be, can begin to duplicate the conditions of the sea. And no dolphin who inhabits one of those aquariums or one of those marine lands can be considered normal. Trameisha is that dolphin; she is not normal. The world is her sea and you can find her exploring every nook an cranny on her quarterly vacations.
When she is in the city, Trameisha works as a life skills teacher, equipping her students with both book and street smarts. With passion she guides the next generation of leaders into their future. She infects them with the audacity of hope for more than they can think or imagine which gets them dreaming big!
In addition to her career, Ms. Smith devotes her time and talents to Real Life Christian Center. You can find her singing in the choir, dancing with the praise team, and doing whatever else the Lord guides her to do.