FTIM, a Non-Profit 501C3 organization, hosted its first event of 2013, a health incentive, geared toward enlightening women and young girls of the importance of taking care of their physical, and mental health. The event was MCed by the quick witted amicable Michele White and vendors included, the Queen's Boutique, Bold Profession Seminars & Consulting, and Mary Kay to name a few. Vegan Cafe and My Fit Foods provided a healthy lunch.
Denika Carothers of S.M.I.L.E opened the discussion on "Finding Your Authentic Self" with the question "Who are you?". She told the ladies that being authentic starts with being honest with yourself which will make it more natural to be honest with others. She shared a vendor table with Herbal Nature Organic Hair & Body products. They say that their products naturally complement the human body chemistry because it is 100% natural in its origin and process. Vendors were on sight to apply the natural homemade hair care products and answer any questions.
Following the S.M.I.L.E. presentations the ladies participated in a beginner's yoga class. The instructor stressed the importance of breathing as she walked about the room helping the girls achieve the perfect position. This work out was suitable for all fitness levels. If that work out wasn't enough to work out an appetite a food presentation followed.
Chef Sabali of My Vegan Comfort then gave a brief presentation on the benefits of consuming vegan and raw food products. Chef Sabali offered Annette Larkins as a living example of what a Raw Food Diet Can do for you. Coined "The Ageless Woman" Annette's husband Amos of almost 54 years chose to continue to eat the way he did when they were first married while Annette transitioned into a diet that consists of fruits, nuts, vegetables and seeds. Larkin's husband looks like her father and he admits that he "really wishes that he would have done what she did. Sabali raised the issue that many people reject this idea from fear of losing protein in their diets, but the chef maintains that protein comes from amino acids and not meat. Following her talk, Sabali made a Vegan chocolate shake and offered attendees shakes and salads for lunch.
In addition to the generous lunches provided by FTIM and Chef Sabali, My Fit Foods was on sight with Lean Lemon Turkey. The ingredients are Ground Turkey, Parboiled Rice, Asparagus, Lemon, Lemon Juice, Butter (cream), and Natural Spices. During the lunch break attendees mingled and shopped among the vendors.
Thecia Jenkins of Bold Profession Seminars & Consulting talked about being Emotionally Intelligent. She told the ladies that emotional intelligence is the ability to manage one's emotions and read the emotions of others. She challenged the group to discover their triggers and how do those triggers impact day to day interactions. She said that once you identify the thoughts and feelings that accompany your feelings then you can decide how to respond to those emotions. Next she stressed empathy since an important part of emotional intelligence is accurately identifying the emotions of others. Finally she encouraged the ladies to use this emotional intelligence to manage their relationships which requires an action step by having candid conversations.
Katherine Moore-Devoe aka "Kat", Boot Camp Instructor, Personal Trainer, and Owner of Shaped Bodies Fitness led a mini bootcamp class. She was high-energy and relatable making it easy for this diverse group of women to get their bodies moving and their muscles warm.
The day ended with "Feel Free to Dance" presented by Mariana Cortez. She encouraged the group to get back in touch with their powerful feminine vibe. This simple activity seemed to bring the event full circle as the participants freely expressed themselves in a victory dance.